Terms of use: All accounts on Britebank are fictional and have no value.
Terms of use: All accounts on Britebank are fictional and have no value.

What is Britebank?

Britebank is a financial literacy simulator game and financial literacy curriculum guide that will help teach students and adults how to successfully manage their finances with real life scenarios including:
  • automatic payroll deposits
  • savings account
  • checking account
  • credit card
  • debit card
  • daily spending
Here are some more resources to help your students out with financial literacy including curriculum guides, games and lesson plans:

MyMoney.gov is the U.S. government's website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education.

Practical Money Skills is an online resource for educators, parents and students focused on financial literacy and education.

360 Degrees of Financial literacy is a national volunteer effort of the nation’s Certified Public Accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances and develop money management skills.